Wednesday, 5 May 2010
Responce to smoking
I agree it does make a great affect in the film industry and television. Many films and TV programmes feature smoking but it does send the wrong messages to the audience. Your example of Grease, it portrays smoking as sexy and seductive and part of enjoying life. When really it is cancerous, and if bad breath and yellow teeth is sexy you’ve got a problem, but also it ends life.
responce to abortion
Abortion is not right when women used it as a contraception for there stupidity and carelessness and should not be allowed .If it happens once then I think there is a right for a person to have a abortion because everyone make mistakes .Although if it is repeated more than once it’s wrong.
Your last point you made on the 24 weeks being the limit for an abortion being perform. I completely against it and want it to be lowered because to me at 24 weeks it’s a baby. At this age a baby can survive outside the womb if it premature so I believe it should not be killed in an abortion.
responce to binge drinking
Also binge drinking definitely isn’t just young people; I’ve seen a lot of old people paralytic .British culture in all ages has a high reputation for violence and anti social behaviour. Allot of police are outside bars and clubs at night.
Yes Alcohol is a great socialising aid and does help you unwind. It’s exactly what I will turn to with my friends when I’ve handed in my last essay. And that’s why if me and my friends compared ourselves to the recommended NHS daily amount we’d all be seen as alcoholics and binge drinkers. Because we drink often and in large quantities.
Responce to sophs blog a suggested week 12 session
Yes me to suggested Amsterdam as there is plenty of being bad things to do drugs,sex shows alcohol etc.And you were right to say it wont happen.It didnt I didnt think it would but i posted it on pure wishful thinking.It was a good suggestion to say behaviour of drinking alcohol its being bad which most people do.We had a lecture on alcohol with Mark focusing on bindge drinking and it was intersting to cover nicknames of certain alcolic drinks and the bit i enjoyed the most was the drinking show he showed at the end in Torquay ive never seen anyone drink so much it shocked my how boozy britain is........Unfortuanlty i didnt go for a drink after the lecture to taste differnt alcohol like you suggested but it was a great idea!
Tuesday, 4 May 2010
Responce to claire drugs blog
I also agree with you that weed is a norm in uni and how easy it is to access. But I will disagree on the price it is not cheap infact it expensive to buy just to ay as you put it to be relaxed happy and laid back.
Body modification
I think body modification is becoming more socially acceptable because when I look around at people more have tattoos and piercing than before. But it can have problems when it comes to jobs. I know that if you apply for the police force they ask whether or not you have visible tattoos on the face, necks, lower arms etc .And if you work with food, piercings have to be taken out or covered with a plaster .But who would employers employ a person with tattoos and piercings or a person with none which one do you think looks more respectable?
My personal perspective on tattoos is that it’s horrible and not nice to see on people’s skin, it looks common and sometimes I just think why you would want that crap on you forever. I would never have a tattoo because it’s with you for life and I think people look very silly when you eighty and are covered in a tattoos. You would look plain stupid plus I would want to influence my grand children into thinking it's ok to get tattoos. Also I get bored very easily I like to change my style in clothes and if I was to get a tattoo I would really like it at the time of me having it but I know I wouldn’t like it after a day, week or a month and would regret it loads and become upset over what I had done to myself.
I have however had some body modification which is piercings, I have had my lip, nose, and ears pieced. I had my ears done about the age of 5 and my lip and nose when I was fifteen. I have since taken my lip piecing out two years ago now because I didn’t like It no more and thought It took away the prettiness of my face and that I looked foul. With piecing you can take them out and they heal up as though it was never done and its not life long.
In lesson I enjoyed learning about the Maori's and there tattoos. They have such a meanings!!, it shows who they are what they’ve done in life etc. It’s such a great part of their culture! Women are more attracted to the men in there culture if they have this facial modification. The women do have it but no full face; they only have it from the mouth to their chin.
The way they do there tattooing is interesting but seems very painful they carve and remove the flesh from there face then ink is applied. Its nothing like a normal tattoo you would get in England!
I can’t believe that people used to collect there heads like butterflies how cruel. There designs are very interesting to look at and are cool but that insane and murder. Why would you want to do that? It’s all abit beyond me!
Recently what I did notice is,Beyonce had no tattoos until recently. Infact it's one of the strangest tattoos!!!!!!!!! She had tattooed Brooklyn on her hand. But I’m confused and find it strange because she is from Houston Texas. Maybe it’s a for her husband Jay Z to say I love the place you were born in .But if that’s the case why didn’t she have his name? I know I wouldn’t have a tattoo on my hand of my other halfs city ! Or maybe it to get more street cred!Who knows why?

Monday, 3 May 2010

Also we covered hallucination drugs like LSD. And looked at a cool man called Ken Kessly, who did acid tests on his students and did LSD gigs from his van while moving around America.
We had a class debate on whether drugs should become legal to buy.
Some said yes because at least making drugs legal would me
- clean drugs with no dodgy ingredients added.
- The government could make a lot of money through tax.
- And that if people had them available to buy, then they would be less likely to want to buy them.

Other said no to making drugs legal because there would be
- more addicts which means more money spent on the national help for drug related problems.
- Also crack heads could break into people houses.
- And that people on drugs could be violent and this means more violence in Britain.
- Also that drugs being legal could open up a large black market just how there is fake fags.
- Jobs would never get done
I found that more people agreed that drugs should be illegal rather than legal. Which I agree because all these points may happen and also i believe Britian would be worse and more children and teenagers would start taking drugs too.

Sunday, 2 May 2010
responce to drugs blogs by Sabrina
Yes I agree that Marijuana or 'weed' as some would call it, is popular threw stages of my life friends and others around me have smoked this. Did you know that Snoop Dogg get medical marijuana on prescription and has long been an advocate for the legalization of the weed.Going on to how in the Rastafarian culture it is considered sacred well they believe the herb is of religious significance and usually cal it the wisdom weed or holy herb. Rastafarians believe marijuana is sacred following biblical text justifying this 'eat every herb of the land' Exodus 10:12all I can say it's naturally and the bible says its ok i cant see why it is illegal and that it should become legal in the near furture .
responce to Craig's teenage pregnancy
I totally agree with what you said about many teenager becoming parents and the reasons behind many don't use protection. Let’s face it if the government are going to keep helping towards teenage pregnancies and giving them money and grants for having a child for prams and clothes etc. Then why should they try to get a job or go down the education route when help and money is given to them on a plate. When I left school many of my friends I knew had baby’s and are now haven’t got a job and live in a council house on people taxes. I think it’s just unfair really when many other teenagers try to get on in the right way and don’t succeed.
Saturday, 1 May 2010
Bandits and Outlaws

Friday, 30 April 2010
Use of bad words
Bad words or swearing as most say is used everywhere by everyone. No one has ever said they have never swore.And i dont know of anyone that has'nt.
There is however places where i think you should'nt swear in a church is one! Also there in swearing infront of certain people which i think shouldnt be done and is vile.It is very socially unexceptable.And you certainly should'nt swear infrount or at of your parents or grandparents i know my nan always go on about in my day you wouldnt dare to do certain things infront of hers.Bring out the soap. Aswell as this you should refrain from swearing and using foul laungage when in company of police,teachers,doctors and small children etc. With police you may get arrested and with small children they tend to mimic alot of what adults say and what a generation we would have if children thought it was acceptable to go around swearing left, right and centre.
I consider there to be types of swearing and used in certain contexts like
- racism
- bulling
- description etc.
I find bad lauguage rude,vular,insulting,hurtful and disrepectful
Swearing is used in Tv shows.Its used alot in Jeremy Kyle which has a very large amount but is bleeped out. Bleep bleep........ This could be because it is a law which stop swearing from being shown fully until after 9pm.A article on the BBC baning all offensive lauguage till after 9
Some people however cannot help there cursing and dirty bad words this is the case in torretts. The corrects medical wording for it is tourette syndrome.It involves vocalising socially unexceptable words. And the person suffering has no control over when and where they may say them.Uncontrollable use of obscene language (coprolalia) and repetition of phrases the person hears others use (called echolalia)is all part of the condition.Plus there is other parts to torretts like sudden movement and eyetwiching etc
Thursday, 29 April 2010
Methodrone (Meow)

Its appearance is a white fine substance which is snorted using notes or wraps of paper and is similar to cocaine to look at. It makes its users feel alert and be able to stay awake for long periods of time when usually they would need sleep. They can become more confident and cannot stop chatting and are very talkative
According to research people can get hooked quite easily and become quite dependant. It has been recorded once users start a session of ‘meow they find it difficult to stop until they have taken there whole of there supply. It was once known as the ‘legal high’ and was sold legally on the internet as planet fertiliser. But after much speculation in the UK it has been banned and from the 16th April this year is a Class B drug.
It has been in the news for quite a few months with newspaper describing it as I said before a ‘legal high’ this is because it was illegal to buy and sell. Being easy to get hold of and being compared to speed and ecstasy many were keen to try if they hadn’t already. Many story accumulated over the drug though that it causes death and horrific effects. ‘Two teenagers died within hours of each other after they took the legal party drug mephedrone - known as M-Cat or Meow Meow.’ from the newspaper The Mirror. And‘A LEGAL drug known as 'meow meow' led one lad to rip off his own SCROTUM’. ‘The lad hallucinated for 18 hours and mutilated himself because he believed centipedes were crawling over his body and biting him.’ From the sun newspaper
Read more: and
I have had a personal experience involving Meow (Methodrone).It was on a night out with a friend which I live with who has taken the drug on regular basis I was already concerned but just figured since it’s not my body I have no problems with others habits. But I became even more concerned when I was invited with her for a couple of drinks at another student halls. The atmosphere started ok with a couple of beers but then others started to pull out of there bags and pockets Meow. I felt uncomfortable and even expressed my feeling towards his drug surely with all the media focusing on it and saying of all the terrible side effects these people would not take it but they did. Seeing it for yourself first hand is unnerving they were like starving people with food in front of them all snorting the white substance in great quantities until they had finished they supply. One girl which I cannot mention names had hot sweats her face was red and was over alert and couldn’t stop talking .Her hands were shaking and as she was snorting more and more white liquid was running from her nose. I was disgusted I was with another friend who like me had no plans and did not touch the stuff so we both left. How could this be fun!
Responce to Lauras Ann summers blog
i think it recently that people have become very open about sex toys i mean even friends have told me about there's without embarrassment! but as you say no sex toys were tabbo in the 50's and probably the 60's to it because people believed it to be digusting and not to be done it you were a repectable person. It's ovious today societys morals have changed i live behind broad street and there a whole lot of sex and adult shops and people just acept there there without fuss.
Now the questions well personally i dont think it disrepectable or not repecting your body (if there used in the right manner and not 2 outragous). your last one some men just are not good enough no matter how much that person may love them!!!!
Wednesday, 28 April 2010
Well it involves a man or woman lying ,deceiving and misusing a place of trust and deliberately wanting to get involved with another person by sleeping with them, exchanging calls or texts, kissing, meeting up for dinner etc all counts as cheating behind there, girlfriend, fiancés or wives back.
My view is that infidelity (cheating) is it’s wrong I’ve had it done on me and I’ve also done it on others oops. But what I will say you can forgive but you never forget that’s the problem. You loose hope and trust in that person all you original thoughts and views are twisted and changed. It effects a person psychological stated and can be a major disaster in someone’s life.
I think if you truly want to be with that person then you just want to be with that person with no one else. No other man or woman should get between you if they do then it obvious you don’t want to be with that person in the long run and you should just end it. When people cheat they are unhappy with the current relationship.
My experience of cheating on someone is that I have one rule for me and one for others. Its ok for me to do but wrong for others. I cheated on my partner of three years because he cheated on me It was tit for tat I would never of done it if he hadn’t of done it to me I know two wrongs don’t make a right but it certainly made me feel better and happy you get this buzz it insane really. You feel like all that hurt they did to you are now giving to them.
Celebrities cheating ohh
Well it makes gossip and 100% of heat and hello magazine. Cheating is pretty boring news from celebrities but these magazines sell because people with money are miserable!
From way back I can remember David Beckham and Rebecca loos it was a shock that

My last comment on infidelity is I can’t help but think of this song when its mentioned plus here is sum websites to help people deal with cheating
Rihanna unfaithful
Tuesday, 27 April 2010
rethink on alcohol

Monday, 26 April 2010

The government say that it’s recommended for women to drink 2-3 units a day and a 3-4 units for a man which is about 3 units for a pint of beer and 3 units for two small glass of wine.
Well before coming Uni I was T Total!!!!! I used to binge drink (drinking major amounts of alcohol) every weekend as a teenager aged 14-16 but as soon as I became boring and went to college and turned 18 I’d only been out about 5 or 6 times alcohol did not really touch my lips. But as I said now I’m at Uni some could say I’ve developed a problem that consists of drinking about 3 times a week but again it’s binge drinking and I become very drunk what starts as a quick glass in the Hogs always end up me plastered and sprawled across Planet’s or Oceana’s dance floor. But I will say it’s generally what most students do for fun I don’t know anyone who I hang around with that doesn’t drink which is quite scary (and no my group is not Alcohol Anonymous).
The out comes of alcohol are quite serious as well as good . The funny and good ones are people failing over, acting strange, people flashing, and humorous remarks people make etc all gossip for the next day or some forever that you cant get rid of because what you did was so bad all happen because people are under the influence As well as this it’s a great way to socialise and past away a few hours now the sum has been out what’s a better way to spend the day than in a beer garden all you people that are saying actual gardening are idiots. However I will admit there is sordid affects of alcohol, being sick, fighting, violence, one night stands that could lead to pregnancy or STI’s and very common a hangover. Does the great affects of alcohol weigh more than the bad when it’s down on screen no but in my eyes yes I love to socialise and have drink it's such a good atmosphere most of the time as long as you know your limits is fine. It’s always great when you and you mates hit the pub you go in completely sober and come out sh*t faced brilliant!!!

Sunday, 25 April 2010
Masturbation there nothing wrong with DIY

Different genders have different views, men openly mess around and talk a lot about it but from my experience us girls do talk about it sometimes and my friends including me do have a laugh about it but nothing serious .But in the most detail was after I had this lesson and me and my friend who I live with was telling the others in are flat about the lecture! It is however a private topic and I or my friends I don’t think would want to know each others details and could be very embarrassing.
Different names are used for men and women when it comes to masturbation.
Flick the bean, man in the boat, frigg, finger all a much softer image than how a mans is portrayed. The names referred to a woman masturbating are less aggressive and more playful .Men’s masturbation terms wank, jerk off, jack off, spank the monkey, choke the chicken, beat off , are all more macho and always signifying violence or have a comicical theme which its characteristics are being a joke and funny, may make men more open to having a laugh and talking about masturbation.
In past times Masturbation was seen as wrong a example in western 19th century. They widely held, masturbation was horrific and dangerous. It was true fact and shouldn’t be practised .Even physical force was undergone to stop masturbation It troubles the body and mind. Masturbation was said to cause physical and mental deterioration, like disabilities, deformities of it falling off or going blind and more severe insanity and death. However it was quick to die out! as you can see no one in are society is afraid to masturbate because people say in bad this view is no longer widely held.
My last thought on it is with society changing all the time and people becoming more and more open to things will masturbation become more talked about will it eventually be used in the media as well like in films more and television. I can t see why not!!! THERES NOTHING WROUNG WITH MASTERBATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, 24 April 2010
When I think of

Another more British racists are the BNP (British national party) they were founded in 1982 today its leader is Nick Griffin and are still going with people being attracted to there views and there votes have risen recently. I’m from Stoke which has the largest number of BNP supporters (which I am not one of them) it was in the news a couple of months back where violence and protest was used and a lot of people got hurt and hundreds of police officers attended. My opinion is this is stupid these people are idiots and shouldn’t be aloud to form such a hateful group against people just because of there colour religion etc.
To me the BNP is all about racial discrimination and prejudices towards anything which isn’t British. They believe that ‘Britain is full’ and that there need to be a stop to immigration and see all immigrants as a deadly threat to Britain. There opinions are extreme, aggressive and obviously very racist. They used to believe in ‘all whites’ but this has been changed due to it been seen as intolerant and unlawful in courts but since it has been changed they are urging black Asians and other ethnic backgrounds it they were born in Britain that they are free to join personally being black myself I wouldn’t jump at the chance!
Stop Racists is my motto!!!!!!

Friday, 23 April 2010
Bad cinema

She then spent the whole film trying to find him to tell him the unimaginable news while he had more sexually partners. The ending was emotional because a young sweet girl again gets fooled by his tricks and it has a lot of suspense to whether or not she will go threw with it and if Jenny will get there in time to stop it .She doesn’t get there in time and just passes out on the sofa while Casper Friend rapes her while she passed out on drugs.
My feelings towards the characters. Tilly made me angry by his disrespect for women and recklessness, but in his philosophy of all he had in life was taking girls virginity it was honest not to the girls he was sleeping with of course but to him admitting that’s all he cares about. Casper Tilly’s friend was a decent guy up to the point of him violently attacking a man at the skate park and him raping Jenny with was disgraceful but justice was served by him contracting the aids virus. Jenny’s the portrayed victim showed a lot of stupidity and immaturity with her not using protection and when trying to find him turning to drugs, perhaps being in that situation you would and I did had respect for her by as soon as she knew trying to stop Tilley from spreading the disease because you think that what anyone would do but I suppose there is some people in life who wouldn’t.
It didn’t shock me no way it could happen some teenagers may get themselves in this situation. the issues covered were issues which are real virgins, sex, aids, rape and drugs are all real and are not made up for the purpose of this film.
It did however leave a long impression in my mind which was the message of the film and it gave fear, panic and even terror and how severe the matter is and how it could happen to anyone. The message was awareness of reality. The intended audience it should defiantly be at children as young as 11 because this is a good stage to make an impact and more films should be made like this in modern society and shown in schools and cinemas. Showing these type of films could decrease drug abuse ,std’s ,teen pregnancy etc. It could teach the younger generation morals!!!!

And is about a group of teenagers aged 15-22 id say who have unprotected sex, with violence as the main plot with graphic scenes of fights and big groups on 1 individual, which is similar to the behaviour portrayed in Kids by Casper and his gang of unfair bullying. Kidulthood compared to Kids it had the same issue of sex and teenagers being ignorant to STD’s and has a strong use of drugs being taken for fun and its affects on a persons (teenagers) behaviour. But differed in the use of violence, with guns and knifes with the ending being gripping and emotional (me being close to tears)and ending in death of a lad who was my favourite character .
Wednesday, 14 April 2010
Behind the cover of lying
Does the truth always come out in the end? What is a lie I consider a lye to be something that a person does when they deliberately present a untrue statement as being true and try to make another person or many people that what they are saying is true.
Lies we hear them everywhere!!! I don’t know or believe that a single person has not lied in their existence on this earth, every single person it doesn’t matter who you are where your from, what profession your in , every body you know has told a lie. Even you have told a porky pie!!!
Common are ill be there in 5 minutes when your 20 minutes away or I’m just at going to bed when your getting ready to go out. Does my bum look big in this? ……No. Other lies which are commonly told a lot by parents to their children i.e. eating your carrots and you will be able to see in the dark or the tooth fairy and Santa exist. All are form of tiny white lies which are mostly harmless and cause no one any real bother and some can even reassure people.
But some deceiving are vindictive and cause lots of pain like adultery, stolen identity , lies that lead to murder etc. The persons feelings are not spared and when the person finds out the truth their life can be shattered.
What underneath lye? A motive? A purpose? Why does a person lie?
Its to do with emotions happiness, sadness the lye could cause or the person telling the lye may be scared to tell the truth to the person it could hurt or upset both involved or maybe just they cant bear to tell the truth.Maybe a solution?. Your conscience and guilt could stop you from certain lies but some could be told just to be evil or to get your own back. Or to make a buzz and for fun which you believe will make you feel and be better.
Compulsive liars them are the type that in day to day life tell a vast amount of lies due to a behaviour disorder maybe they can be vicious or petty but not telling the truth to other makes a curtain for them to hide be hide.
Its never acceptable for people to tell lies to me because I always want to know the truth whether it brings me good or bad news or make me happy or not it doesn’t matter the truth is always the best policy. But it only works one way I sometimes say the odd white lie because it makes me feel better but I would never tell a lye to make someone upset. Others may see lying as tolerable when it stops people getting hurt so why not?

Jeremy Kyle's lie detector test is one of the most known and ‘famous’ use of a person who is going to get caught out by a lie they have told or someone who is going to get there name cleared. Most of the lies feature on this show are not white lies and are I didn’t sleep with him , it was only a kiss it didn’t go further or were you at this place at that certain time.
Friday, 9 April 2010
Im behind you
Stalking was part of the same lesson as prostitution and shoplifting and again had another great programme for us to watch to stop us from falling asleep peep show yeahhhhhh. Joking the lesson had been interesting, learning who from the class is creepy and weird as many admitted what they have done in the past and maybe what they will continue to do in the future.
What leads to stalking?
A scenario could just well be a crush or over interst in some one your have this belief and illusion there uber cool and everything you want to be so you observe them etc.
My personal experience or stereotypically stalker! Stalking has never happened to me but I have done it to someone else when I was 14 and had a crush and at 16 year old at my school. Me and my friends followed him in every break and dinner time, leaving notes, gazing from a distance etc. But what is a stereotypical stalker what the criteria?
When does a concerned interest in someone’s behaviour become stalking? We discussed this in class and heres what was said
· Repetiveness/offensive/obsessive behaviour
· Trying to make another person part of your life or you part of theirs
· Trying to gain personal information and attacking a certain individuals private space
· And two common ones following them and not admitting they have a problem
· All of which is not acceptable for any individual to practise. This behaviour seems psycho and obsessive!!!
Is there a right balance, between taking it too far?
Stalking is seen by most as allowable and appropriate when it’s not harmful to those involved. Like cyber stalking i.e. on Facebook a networking site millions use and some but not all users ( it would be worrying if all did!) stalk threw the site. I.e. if they have a new relationship they may look up that person and even there family and friends to bring that person closer even I have facebooked stalked a lad or two haha. Also other harmless stalking is parents watching their own children is common over obsessive behaviour and neighbourhood watch which to me are useful but mostly involves old people not stalking but being noisy.
But its not all funny and laughs, some people lives can be destroyed and can have disastrous outcomes and effects like murder or rape etc. It can be annoying and petrifying and scary for the victim. The importance of privacy is high and life would be very uncomfortable with no privacy.
Wednesday, 7 April 2010
Theft is illegal and has consequences!!!!! The law on thieves and uses prison, fines, community service etc has payment for the crime. They should chop people hands off like they do in some countries!!!!
The hook and rush and the addictiveness could be the cause it’s like a drug to these thefts! They may not need the stuff but it feeds there addiction (this was the case in family guy with stews mother stealing car items just for kicks). Also some need to in desperate situations and cant afford, but in modern times no one really needs to steal a loft of bread to feed the family it could be for drug habits or greed. And there’s them who can afford to buy things but shoplift instead to save there own money and spend it on other stuffs. Other things could be that thieves thrive for the thrill and attention they get from stealing or it just something unusual to do.
Stealing has types and different types of peoples stolen from like friends, family, homes, shops small or large businesses and fraud i.e. chip and pin internet bank detail and file sharing music and films is piracy etc are all types of theft. Is one type of stealing more acceptable than another yes in my eyes stealing from large business is something id be to scared to do it myself but if others wanted to did I wouldn’t frown upon them that much . Big high street stores can afford and wouldn’t miss the items taken plus the person can’t see who they are stealing from. Whereas with family friends it lower than low and defiantly isn’t acceptable because it a miss use of trust and I wouldn’t want my friends or family who are close to me stealing from me not expectable under any circumstance.
Monday, 8 March 2010
Bad behaviour!!!
3 types covered
You name it but the first thing that pops into my head when I think of prostitution and trafficking is money!
Money is the main cause!
Of why people sell there body for different reasons thought
Like for basics like food shelter etc or is it for a better flash life style like expensive treats of clothes and shoes or even cars! Like the Type high end prostitutes who make a lot of money, they tend to be good looking and well presented unlike the Stereotypical cheap tacky poorly dressed short skirt, heels type of prosse, so are able to attract rich wealthy customers and receive large amounts of money for they services (sexual acts hiring out their body). Prostitution is also linked to drugs people choose this lifestyle to be able to buy drugs to obtain there habit usually more common in heroin or crack cocaine addicts and the way this works is by receiving money for sex them purchasing drugs or to receive drugs after the performance of sex.

Sex is naturally for pleasure and happiness!
A scenario for you!!
A man gives a prostitute woman money she provides sex for the man, hes happy woman happy. Or is it deeper than this?
Is the woman truly happy about selling herself?
Would she prefer another root to make money?
In the seminar what was cover was a clip of Breakfast at Tiffany’s Breakfast at Tiffany’s a nice clip and gave a clear picture it was painting about prostitution or the type where its portrayed as sex is going to happen but the woman never has the motive to have sex or take it further with the man, she’s just using him for her own needs money!
And 3 questions on the topic of prostitution.
Is it prostitution to take money from someone who is expecting sex, but then to not supply it? My personal response is this is a very clever idea and if I had the balls I would! My hat goes off to these type of women who can get what they want from men without doing the same back, because from my view these men are just dirty perverts and probably deserve worse than being ‘robbed’ of cash. The class agreed in parts of my opinion and also opposed my view gave ideas such as its fraud in doing so or theft.
If it isn’t prostitution then is it more or less socially respectable? My opinion is that it not prostitution because your not actually selling your body because you not a act engaging in sex with this man it just taking him for a ‘fool’. And it’s more socially respectable than prostitution because of this.
If it is prostitution, then how much is a reasonable charge? Enough to cover the bother!!
Thursday, 4 March 2010
SMOKING HOT!!!! continued
Well a film which i newly most watch actually had a massive amount of the characters smoking,the film was called Nowwhere boy and was set in the 1950's about John lennons adolesance and growing up but this doesnt matter the that matters is the way in which it uses smoking a focul point.Every 5 minutes a character was smoking or lighting a cigarette it gave the film in my words a cool,bad boy,arwsome,popular wicked feel to it.But also gave smoking out to be this harmless none dangerous to your health tool on how to be cool in the 50's but perhaps it was just the ignorance of how people didnt care or perhaps didnt know of the effects.

Smoking in films,tv is always done on purpose it's deliberate.It's never just by accident and it helps portray a bid of realism and a strong development of character.
Also while reading the current news 26th February 2010 in the Daily Star i spotted this article in which smoking is seen by are eyes as cool by celebrities like Lindsey Lohan is it still as trendy, hip, and sexy and seductive yes yes yes!!! Who wouldn't want to be seen in this light! quoted 'hottest ever photo shoot' 'smokin' and 'the babe made sure everyone knows she’s smoking hot by puffing on a cigarette in every shot. However cool and uber sexy this looks and seems is this the right example for the younger generation ,is it exceptable in today’s social era where it aim is to make smoking as shitty as the government can with bans in publics places adverts and propaganda. Lindsay Lohan Video For Muse MagazineThe video is meant to be arty and creative and its purpose of entertainment is fashion, but to me personally is borderline pornographic and is more a commercial for smoking and a promotion of this life style of being bad or being bad ass.

Monday, 1 March 2010
Well the origin of smoking tobacco began very early around 5000-3000 bc and was carried out where tobacco was burned and smoke was tasted and inhaled.But as time went on later became used and seen in a pleasurable way or a social tool.
Cig,fags,cancer sticks,bifa,bine,joy twigs are all part of this phenomenum of fasination with smoking over generations.It is continuious and got seen in the 1920's,30s,40s,50s etc as sexy cool rebelous,great,fun,flirtly,popular thing to do and even thought to attract the opposite sex.what makes this habit such a sort after,atrractive image as a persuit?
Well could it be the glamour factor of smoking it looks sexy and men and women look damm good the sex appeal made and make it a widespread habit? Two eras same message!!
'It will never happen to me' cancer will not choose me as its victum I enjoy cigarettes and 'I shall do what I like' or the 'My friends do it and they look cool I despiratly want to fit in' etc?
But maybe it gets a little deeper like style there something about a person who seems bad puffing on a cigarette it adds character?
Have these claims changed has the health risks that were not an issue over time have taken over this image of greatness and desire to look good which to be honest has never been a clean cut.And instead increased awarness of high blood pressure,heart attacks,lung and mouth cancer etc has shrunk the amount of smokers in the current times.The numbers are falling with 13 million ex smokers.smoking is more common in men but women at not far behind in statics.