Well it involves a man or woman lying ,deceiving and misusing a place of trust and deliberately wanting to get involved with another person by sleeping with them, exchanging calls or texts, kissing, meeting up for dinner etc all counts as cheating behind there, girlfriend, fiancés or wives back.
My view is that infidelity (cheating) is it’s wrong I’ve had it done on me and I’ve also done it on others oops. But what I will say you can forgive but you never forget that’s the problem. You loose hope and trust in that person all you original thoughts and views are twisted and changed. It effects a person psychological stated and can be a major disaster in someone’s life.
I think if you truly want to be with that person then you just want to be with that person with no one else. No other man or woman should get between you if they do then it obvious you don’t want to be with that person in the long run and you should just end it. When people cheat they are unhappy with the current relationship.
My experience of cheating on someone is that I have one rule for me and one for others. Its ok for me to do but wrong for others. I cheated on my partner of three years because he cheated on me It was tit for tat I would never of done it if he hadn’t of done it to me I know two wrongs don’t make a right but it certainly made me feel better and happy you get this buzz it insane really. You feel like all that hurt they did to you are now giving to them.
Celebrities cheating ohh
Well it makes gossip and 100% of heat and hello magazine. Cheating is pretty boring news from celebrities but these magazines sell because people with money are miserable!
From way back I can remember David Beckham and Rebecca loos it was a shock that

My last comment on infidelity is I can’t help but think of this song when its mentioned plus here is sum websites to help people deal with cheating
Rihanna unfaithful http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rp4UwPZfRis
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