Behind the cover of lying
Does the truth always come out in the end? What is a lie I consider a lye to be something that a person does when they deliberately present a untrue statement as being true and try to make another person or many people that what they are saying is true.
Lies we hear them everywhere!!! I don’t know or believe that a single person has not lied in their existence on this earth, every single person it doesn’t matter who you are where your from, what profession your in , every body you know has told a lie. Even you have told a porky pie!!!
Common are ill be there in 5 minutes when your 20 minutes away or I’m just at going to bed when your getting ready to go out. Does my bum look big in this? ……No. Other lies which are commonly told a lot by parents to their children i.e. eating your carrots and you will be able to see in the dark or the tooth fairy and Santa exist. All are form of tiny white lies which are mostly harmless and cause no one any real bother and some can even reassure people.
But some deceiving are vindictive and cause lots of pain like adultery, stolen identity , lies that lead to murder etc. The persons feelings are not spared and when the person finds out the truth their life can be shattered.
What underneath lye? A motive? A purpose? Why does a person lie?
Its to do with emotions happiness, sadness the lye could cause or the person telling the lye may be scared to tell the truth to the person it could hurt or upset both involved or maybe just they cant bear to tell the truth.Maybe a solution?. Your conscience and guilt could stop you from certain lies but some could be told just to be evil or to get your own back. Or to make a buzz and for fun which you believe will make you feel and be better.
Compulsive liars them are the type that in day to day life tell a vast amount of lies due to a behaviour disorder maybe they can be vicious or petty but not telling the truth to other makes a curtain for them to hide be hide.
Its never acceptable for people to tell lies to me because I always want to know the truth whether it brings me good or bad news or make me happy or not it doesn’t matter the truth is always the best policy. But it only works one way I sometimes say the odd white lie because it makes me feel better but I would never tell a lye to make someone upset. Others may see lying as tolerable when it stops people getting hurt so why not?
Behind the cover of lying
Does the truth always come out in the end? What is a lie I consider a lye to be something that a person does when they deliberately present a untrue statement as being true and try to make another person or many people that what they are saying is true.
Lies we hear them everywhere!!! I don’t know or believe that a single person has not lied in their existence on this earth, every single person it doesn’t matter who you are where your from, what profession your in , every body you know has told a lie. Even you have told a porky pie!!!
Common are ill be there in 5 minutes when your 20 minutes away or I’m just at going to bed when your getting ready to go out. Does my bum look big in this? ……No. Other lies which are commonly told a lot by parents to their children i.e. eating your carrots and you will be able to see in the dark or the tooth fairy and Santa exist. All are form of tiny white lies which are mostly harmless and cause no one any real bother and some can even reassure people.
But some deceiving are vindictive and cause lots of pain like adultery, stolen identity , lies that lead to murder etc. The persons feelings are not spared and when the person finds out the truth their life can be shattered.
What underneath lye? A motive? A purpose? Why does a person lie?
Its to do with emotions happiness, sadness the lye could cause or the person telling the lye may be scared to tell the truth to the person it could hurt or upset both involved or maybe just they cant bear to tell the truth.Maybe a solution?. Your conscience and guilt could stop you from certain lies but some could be told just to be evil or to get your own back. Or to make a buzz and for fun which you believe will make you feel and be better.
Compulsive liars them are the type that in day to day life tell a vast amount of lies due to a behaviour disorder maybe they can be vicious or petty but not telling the truth to other makes a curtain for them to hide be hide.
Its never acceptable for people to tell lies to me because I always want to know the truth whether it brings me good or bad news or make me happy or not it doesn’t matter the truth is always the best policy. But it only works one way I sometimes say the odd white lie because it makes me feel better but I would never tell a lye to make someone upset. Others may see lying as tolerable when it stops people getting hurt so why not?
Liar Liar starring Jim Carry about a man that has told that many lies in the past that for a certain period of time he cannot tell a lie and only the truth escape from his mouth.And RICKY GEVAIS! The invention of lying both where no one bar one man can tell a lie!films have a plot about a single person telling lies.

Jeremy Kyle's lie detector test is one of the most known and ‘famous’ use of a person who is going to get caught out by a lie they have told or someone who is going to get there name cleared. Most of the lies feature on this show are not white lies and are I didn’t sleep with him , it was only a kiss it didn’t go further or were you at this place at that certain time.
Things to think about. Is it ok to lie, what’s worse than a liar, Is it harmless? Should there be a law or punishment in some serious cases? I would say id rather have a theft than a liar because you can catch a theft out before a liar!
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