Friday 30 April 2010

Use of bad words

Bad words or swearing as most say is used everywhere by everyone. No one has ever said they have never swore.And i dont know of anyone that has'nt.

There is however places where i think you should'nt swear in a church is one! Also there in swearing infront of certain people which i think shouldnt be done and is vile.It is very socially unexceptable.And you certainly should'nt swear infrount or at of your parents or grandparents i know my nan always go on about in my day you wouldnt dare to do certain things infront of hers.Bring out the soap. Aswell as this you should refrain from swearing and using foul laungage when in company of police,teachers,doctors and small children etc. With police you may get arrested and with small children they tend to mimic alot of what adults say and what a generation we would have if children thought it was acceptable to go around swearing left, right and centre.

I consider there to be types of swearing and used in certain contexts like
  • racism
  • bulling
  • description etc.

I find bad lauguage rude,vular,insulting,hurtful and disrepectful

Swearing is used in Tv shows.Its used alot in Jeremy Kyle which has a very large amount but is bleeped out. Bleep bleep........ This could be because it is a law which stop swearing from being shown fully until after 9pm.A article on the BBC baning all offensive lauguage till after 9

Some people however cannot help there cursing and dirty bad words this is the case in torretts. The corrects medical wording for it is tourette syndrome.It involves vocalising socially unexceptable words. And the person suffering has no control over when and where they may say them.Uncontrollable use of obscene language (coprolalia) and repetition of phrases the person hears others use (called echolalia)is all part of the condition.Plus there is other parts to torretts like sudden movement and eyetwiching etc

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