Thursday 29 April 2010

Methodrone (Meow)

I know it as Meow but other names for it are MCAT, MC M-Cat, Miaow, White M, Drone, etc
Its appearance is a white fine substance which is snorted using notes or wraps of paper and is similar to cocaine to look at. It makes its users feel alert and be able to stay awake for long periods of time when usually they would need sleep. They can become more confident and cannot stop chatting and are very talkative
According to research people can get hooked quite easily and become quite dependant. It has been recorded once users start a session of ‘meow they find it difficult to stop until they have taken there whole of there supply. It was once known as the ‘legal high’ and was sold legally on the internet as planet fertiliser. But after much speculation in the UK it has been banned and from the 16th April this year is a Class B drug.
It has been in the news for quite a few months with newspaper describing it as I said before a ‘legal high’ this is because it was illegal to buy and sell. Being easy to get hold of and being compared to speed and ecstasy many were keen to try if they hadn’t already. Many story accumulated over the drug though that it causes death and horrific effects. ‘Two teenagers died within hours of each other after they took the legal party drug mephedrone - known as M-Cat or Meow Meow.’ from the newspaper The Mirror. And‘A LEGAL drug known as 'meow meow' led one lad to rip off his own SCROTUM’. ‘The lad hallucinated for 18 hours and mutilated himself because he believed centipedes were crawling over his body and biting him.’ From the sun newspaper
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I have had a personal experience involving Meow (Methodrone).It was on a night out with a friend which I live with who has taken the drug on regular basis I was already concerned but just figured since it’s not my body I have no problems with others habits. But I became even more concerned when I was invited with her for a couple of drinks at another student halls. The atmosphere started ok with a couple of beers but then others started to pull out of there bags and pockets Meow. I felt uncomfortable and even expressed my feeling towards his drug surely with all the media focusing on it and saying of all the terrible side effects these people would not take it but they did. Seeing it for yourself first hand is unnerving they were like starving people with food in front of them all snorting the white substance in great quantities until they had finished they supply. One girl which I cannot mention names had hot sweats her face was red and was over alert and couldn’t stop talking .Her hands were shaking and as she was snorting more and more white liquid was running from her nose. I was disgusted I was with another friend who like me had no plans and did not touch the stuff so we both left. How could this be fun!

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