Tuesday 4 May 2010

Body modification

It’s such a wide topic everything is body modification even cutting your finger nails and your hair. Before the lecture I never consider this to be a body modification I just thought of tattoos, piercings, cosmetics surgery and hair colouring from your natural colour.

I think body modification is becoming more socially acceptable because when I look around at people more have tattoos and piercing than before. But it can have problems when it comes to jobs. I know that if you apply for the police force they ask whether or not you have visible tattoos on the face, necks, lower arms etc .And if you work with food, piercings have to be taken out or covered with a plaster .But who would employers employ a person with tattoos and piercings or a person with none which one do you think looks more respectable?

My personal perspective on tattoos is that it’s horrible and not nice to see on people’s skin, it looks common and sometimes I just think why you would want that crap on you forever. I would never have a tattoo because it’s with you for life and I think people look very silly when you eighty and are covered in a tattoos. You would look plain stupid plus I would want to influence my grand children into thinking it's ok to get tattoos. Also I get bored very easily I like to change my style in clothes and if I was to get a tattoo I would really like it at the time of me having it but I know I wouldn’t like it after a day, week or a month and would regret it loads and become upset over what I had done to myself.

I have however had some body modification which is piercings, I have had my lip, nose, and ears pieced. I had my ears done about the age of 5 and my lip and nose when I was fifteen. I have since taken my lip piecing out two years ago now because I didn’t like It no more and thought It took away the prettiness of my face and that I looked foul. With piecing you can take them out and they heal up as though it was never done and its not life long.

In lesson I enjoyed learning about the Maori's and there tattoos. They have such a meanings!!, it shows who they are what they’ve done in life etc. It’s such a great part of their culture! Women are more attracted to the men in there culture if they have this facial modification. The women do have it but no full face; they only have it from the mouth to their chin.
The way they do there tattooing is interesting but seems very painful they carve and remove the flesh from there face then ink is applied. Its nothing like a normal tattoo you would get in England!
I can’t believe that people used to collect there heads like butterflies how cruel. There designs are very interesting to look at and are cool but that insane and murder. Why would you want to do that? It’s all abit beyond me!

Recently what I did notice is,Beyonce had no tattoos until recently. Infact it's one of the strangest tattoos!!!!!!!!! She had tattooed Brooklyn on her hand. But I’m confused and find it strange because she is from Houston Texas. Maybe it’s a for her husband Jay Z to say I love the place you were born in .But if that’s the case why didn’t she have his name? I know I wouldn’t have a tattoo on my hand of my other halfs city ! Or maybe it to get more street cred!Who knows why?

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