Saturday 24 April 2010


Racism is all about being against someone because of their ethnic background culture or religion .Racism is still in today’s society but is not as prominent as years ago where people had to live with a lot of violence abuse and couldn’t get help or nothing was done. To me it is unnecessary hatred and we are all the same, we all have eyes ears noses the same organs it just colour or background which is different but I also find it good for a mixture of cultures because we can all learn from each other plus it’s interesting, many people go on holiday to see different sites and cultures and don’t have a problem with that. I see racists as imbeciles, ignorant and plain stupid and have always found a lot don’t really understand the true meaning of what there saying and I believe they are pure idiot’s people.

When I think of racism or black people I always think of the Klu Klux Klan (KKK) it was started in America. The group is based on pure hatred towards black people and was formed to protect white Americans rights and interests. They were known for there all in white outfits with a hat which is cylinder and goes up to a point and looked quite scary. They would massacre and torture black people just for being black a lot of there tactics where inhuman. They were violent ,torturous and vicious murders who wanted to oppress and rid of African Americans but what gets me is a lot of them were Christian and taught of Gods hate towards black which was lies but how could they allow themselves to do the things they did who knows. . They are about today but no in great numbers and are more hidden away than they used to be.

Another more British racists are the BNP (British national party) they were founded in 1982 today its leader is Nick Griffin and are still going with people being attracted to there views and there votes have risen recently. I’m from Stoke which has the largest number of BNP supporters (which I am not one of them) it was in the news a couple of months back where violence and protest was used and a lot of people got hurt and hundreds of police officers attended. My opinion is this is stupid these people are idiots and shouldn’t be aloud to form such a hateful group against people just because of there colour religion etc.
To me the BNP is all about racial discrimination and prejudices towards anything which isn’t British. They believe that ‘Britain is full’ and that there need to be a stop to immigration and see all immigrants as a deadly threat to Britain. There opinions are extreme, aggressive and obviously very racist. They used to believe in ‘all whites’ but this has been changed due to it been seen as intolerant and unlawful in courts but since it has been changed they are urging black Asians and other ethnic backgrounds it they were born in Britain that they are free to join personally being black myself I wouldn’t jump at the chance!

Stop Racists is my motto!!!!!!

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